How to brake on a skateboard for beginners.

What’s up, people? Start Skate School in Valencia will help you learn how to skate during our skate classes in Valencia.

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I hope you have practiced and learned how to push, because today we are going to learn how to stop. The first method of getting off the board is to simply jump forward, use your hands to help with the jump and look directly at the landing zone.

Bend your knees as you land. The second method requires using the heel. Start by practicing balance and keeping the body on the front foot, which is the left foot for regular and the right for goofy. Use your hands to keep your balance. Now, bend your front knee and touch the ground with the heel of your back foot. Put a little pressure on the heel which will result in slowing and stopping the board. Practice before you try speed and take your time. It is quite easy and very useful. Every time you go out skating, you are improving and enjoying yourself. It’s all about fun and relaxation.

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