At Start Skate School, we pride ourselves on introducing students from around the globe to the exhilarating world of skateboarding. Recently, we had the pleasure of welcoming an Erasmus student, Denise from Italy, to the first skate class of her life. It was a moment filled with anticipation, excitement, and the promise of new skills and friendships. Join us as we share Denise’s first steps on the board and celebrate the adventure that skateboarding brought into her life.

Where and when

Yesterday, 14th June 2024, I had the beautiful opportunity to meet a part of the team of Start Skate School, as they invited me to take part in a skate lesson. We met in Tinglat 2, a covered place perfect to skate and to skateboard, but also to dance! Indeed, there were many youths taking classes and another group of people breakdancing.  

Wojciech and the first skateboarding lesson

As soon as I arrived, I met Wojciech: he told me about how he came to Valencia from Poland only with his car, and about how he created the amazing community of Start Skate. 

He is a very good, kind and smiling person, and I perceived all his fortidude just from his eyes. He welcomed me very warmly in his team, and immediately started to make me feel like a part of it. 

As it was the first skate class ever, they teached me some of the basics of skating to start learning. They were all so welcoming and friendly and they always tried to encourage me; I never felt awkward, only very lucky to have had the amazing opportunity to meet them. 

My first skate class, the warm up. A skate class is warming up.

A little family

There was always a calm, friendly and supportive atmosphere, and I really enjoyed learning to skate. The team seemed very united, like a little family, and I loved meeting each one of them, and learning where they came from. 

They have a unique energy, and you can see that they try to make skateboarding as fun as possible, and make sure not to leave anyone behind. 

My first skate class, learning tricks


I am really looking forward to getting to know all the community better after the success of first skate class and to bringing my own contribution, trying to help in the best way possible!

If you’d like to read about the best skate spots in Valencia, take a look at this post.