Improving your balance involves strengthening muscles that help stabilize the body, as well as practicing activities that challenge balance. Here are some tips on how to improve your balance that Start Skate puts into practice.

Our balance tips for you

  1. Strengthen core muscles: The muscles of the core of the body, including the abdominal, back, and buttock muscles, help keep the body stable. Strengthening these muscles can improve your balance. Exercises such as planks, bridges and bird dogs can help.
  2. Stand on one leg and try to keep your balance for as long as possible. You can also try standing on a foam pad or balance board to increase the challenge.
  3. Practice yoga or Pilates: these activities can help you improve your balance while strengthening your core muscles.
  4. Try balance exercises: Exercises such as heel-to-toe walking, standing on one leg with your eyes closed, and standing on a wobble board can help improve your balance.
  5. Increase your physical activity: regular exercise can help improve your balance by increasing your overall strength and stability.
  6. Take care of your posture: Proper posture can help improve balance by keeping your body straight and centered.
  7. Be careful when changing positions: take your time when getting up or sitting down and be careful not to lose your balance.

How to improve your balance on the skateboard, a skate teacher is giving a balancing class to the children.


Remember that improving balance takes time and practice but if you try our tips on how to improve your balance on your skateboard you will soon see results. Start skate classes in Valencia with Start Skate School and let’s exercise together! 

If you’d like to learn how to change the grip tape on your skateboard, read this post.